My success as an artist educator is attributed in part to the many education stakeholders who acknowledge and support my creative endeavors.  These recognitions provide me the opportunity to develop my scholarship, studio practice, and professional praxis to share with the field while promoting broader concepts about the validity of arts education.     



2016 | 2016 Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award

The Faculty Senate, University of North Texas

2007–2011 | Above and Beyond Award, Five Time Recipient

Columbus High School, Columbus, NE

2000 | Overall Grand Champion, Art Division

Inter-High Day Scholastic Competition, Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte, NE





2018 | NEH Summer Stipend Research Grant Program

National Endowment for the Humanities

Pedagogical decision-making in visual arts education (unfunded | 8% acceptance rate; one of two university faculty projects nominated annually)

2014–2015 | NAEA Research Grant

National Art Education Foundation, Reston, VA

Art Education Policy: Interpretation and the Negotiation of Praxis  



2018 | UA Little Rock Research and Creative Activity Seed Grant Competition

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Developing visual arts integration strategies for the early childhood special education classroom (unfunded)

2017 | Junior Faculty Research Grant

Department of Art + Design, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

2016 | CALS 2016-2017 Travel Support for Faculty and Students

College of Arts, Letters and Sciences, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

2016 | CVAD Student Project Award

College of Visual Arts & Design, University of North Texas

2016 | Graduate Student Travel Grant

Toulouse Graduate School, University of North Texas

2015–2016 | Tuition Benefit Scholarship

Toulouse Graduate School, University of North Texas

2015 | Onstead Professional Development Award

The Onstead Institute for Education in the Visual Arts & Design, University of North Texas

2015 | CVAD Student Project Award

College of Visual Arts & Design, University of North Texas

2014­–2015 | Peggy Laverne Chavellier Graduate Scholarship

College of Visual Arts & Design, University of North Texas

2011–2015 | Graduate Assistantship Tuition Scholarship

Toulouse Graduate School, University of North Texas

2014 | CVAD Student Travel Project Award

College of Visual Arts & Design, University of North Texas

2013 | CVAD Student Research Project Award

College of Visual Arts & Design, University of North Texas

2013 | Raupe Travel Grant

Student Government Association, University of North Texas

2012–2013 | Priddy Scholarship in Arts Leadership

North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, University of North Texas